After delays leaving New York and troubles on the voyage, Leviathan finally arrived off the coast of Scotland on 3rd February 1938. But she had missed the spring tide, and had to anchor in Inverkeithing Bay on the north side of the Firth of Forth. Here she waited for the next suitable tide to see her under the Forth Bridge and able to get to Rosyth. On 4th February a local gale swept in and Leviathan dragged her anchors. Just before she went ashore the engineers managed to raise enough steam to get her back to her anchorage.
On 12th February the time was favourable but a local gale meant Leviathan could not proceed safely. Then on 13th February, with tugs in attendance, Leviathan prepared to move. Suddenly an oil pipe burst in the boiler room and steam pressure was lost. Finally, on 14th February 1938, the tugs managed to gain control and towed her under the spectacular Forth Bridge. At 4.37pm that afternoon she was secured in the inner Admiralty Basin, near her sister, the one-time Bismarck, and the engine-room telegraphs were set to “Finished with engines”. The end had arrived.